Tamuning Cold Storage Building

Project Details

Prime Contractor

$4.36 Million

Luen Fung Enterprises

Tamuning, Guam

13,000 Square Feet


Project Description

The Cold Storage Warehouse project provided a facility that allows Luen Fung to maintain current and future expansion of business opportunities. The warehouse is substantially larger than the old cold storage facility. The main elements include the demolition of an existing dock, the Cold Storage Warehouse, a generator building, and a large retaining wall. The various elements of work required that Black Construction Corporation meet the “flat floor” requirements and install refrigeration and associated equipment as set forth by the Owner. Through BCC's Quality Control efforts, and in working with the refrigeration equipment supplier, BCC was able to meet the time, quality, and cost expectations of the Owner.

During the course of the project, BCC provided significant opportunities to the small business subcontracting community, including aggregate material supply, materials testing, trucking, painting, elastomeric roof coating, tank coating, fencing, soil treatment, and pavement markings. Work was awarded to subcontractors based upon pricing and past performance, with successful past performance being the critical factor in awarding the work.


Guam Contractors Association 2016 - Merit Award for Commercial Category