Runway Rehabilitation

Chuuk International Airport

Project Details

Prime Contractor

$32 Million

Chuuk International Airport

Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia

6,000-Foot Runway


Project Description

The Chuuk International Airport Runway Rehabilitation Project was a reconstruction of the existing airfield. The scope of work included the milling and HMA paving of the existing 6,000 x 150 linear feet asphalt runway, taxiway and apron. In addition, 25-foot-wide shoulders, widened runway end turn-arounds and 200-linear-foot blast pads at each end of the runway were milled and paved. Two PCCP “hardstands,” for aircraft parking, were demolished and reconstructed. All airfield lighting was raised with extension rings to the newly-paved runway, taxiway and apron elevations. The full runway length was grooved to improve performance during heavy rainstorms. Associated civil works included major improvements (excavation/granular fill/concrete lining) of the drainage structure along the “mountain side” of the reef runway, as well as similar significant activities for the stabilization of drainage embankments. In addition, two large perimeter-control bar-screen structures were constructed near the major drainage channel outlet to the lagoon. And, two runway ends revetment shore protection structures on the lagoon’s edge were improved, the full width of the AOA, with massive PCCP crest caps. The Chuuk International Airport has only one runway, taxiway and parking apron (with two aircraft parking positions). The scope of work for the project required that the airport remain fully operational for the 12 weekly aircraft landings/departures, for the duration of the contract performance period (730 days). Maintaining airport operations in a remote, tropical region that experiences almost 150 inches of rain per year, posed unique challenges. In order to move the project forward in a timely manner, the work was completed in carefully planned stages, with many of the tasks being accomplished at night.